Do everything for the glory of God and invest in the lives of others (1 Cor. 10:31-33).
God has put the right people in your life not only will you help them rise higher and fulfill their purpose, but you will rise higher too! being connected to others is one of life’s greatest joys, you realize that life’s best comes when we invest in people and relationships. So, if you really want more out life, then start to and invest your time, knowledge and wealth in solid relationships! “An experiencing God lifestyle is always seeking out ways to serve and sacrifice for the good of others and the glory of God.” Self-centeredness is a good sign you’re not experiencing God. “An experiencing God lifestyle is burdened by an ever growing, God-centered, holistic compassion for people. It’s not about you. Jesus is asking you, ‘Do you love Me and people?’ It’s not about your happiness but your holiness first.” ~ Patrick Payton Everybody is called to pray. Please pray for the following! The UNREACHED in Ethiopia, Djibouti, Eritrea, Somalia, Kenya, and South Sudan Pray for the most important leaders of these countries – that the Holy Spirit will take away their spiritual blindness (2 Cor. 4:4). Pray for supernatural/extraordinary manifestations of God through dreams, healing, revelations and visions, etc. among the unreached of these countries (Acts 2:19; 4:30; Heb. 2:4). Pray that the Spirit of God will raise people from these countries to build a strong church among their own people. Pray that God’s Name be glorified and honored wherever the Truth is suppressed or denied. Pray that God’s Kingdom come and rule and His will become effective where it is defied and where it is opposed by His enemies! (Matthew 6:9-10) The CHURCH of the UNREACHED and all over the World It is the task of the church of Jesus Christ to take the Gospel of Salvation to the nations of the World. Pray that the Church of Christ will take the Commission in Matthew 28:18-20 literally. Pray for the church to gain a new vision for mission work. Pray for the Church to persevere despite persecution. Pray for unity among the small groups and against false doctrines that often come and destroy the young congregations. Pray for outpouring of the Holy Spirit on them (Acts 4:31). For the SALVATION of the people from the UNREACHED Pray that whole families will become converted – it makes it easier for the converts to remain standing. Pray that the Holy Spirit will work in their hearts in a divine way and urge them to search for the True God in Jesus Christ. Pray especially for the redemption of individuals who are leaders or who are in positions of authority in all countries. Pray that these people will openly confess their sins and their faith in Christ and that they will also follow Him openly. If my people who are called by name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. – II Chronicles 7:14 Breaking News & Latest Headlines For The Week Nigerian Catholics Protest the Murder of Fellow Believers Published May 22, 2018 — Nigeria (Vanguard) – Clergies, religious and the laity of the Catholic Archdiocese of Benin, Edo State, will today join other Catholics in the country on a peaceful protest march from St Paul’s Catholic Church on Airport Road, Benin… to register their displeasure over the gruesome killings of two priests and 17 worshipers at St. Ignatius Catholic Parish in Ukpor-Mbalon in Benue State. For more click here: Gunmen Attack Church in Chechnya May 21, 2018 — Chechnya Region, Russia (New York Times) – Four gunmen stormed a church in Russia’s predominantly Muslim region of Chechnya on Saturday, killing at least one churchgoer and two police officers, according to authorities…Click here for more: Christians Enter Ramadan as Pressure Grows May 19, 2018 — Egypt (The Christian Post) – Coptic Christians in Egypt enter into this year’s Islamic celebrations of Ramadan under intense pressure, a persecution watchdog group has said, but they are showing their faith in Jesus by continuing a centuries-old (cross) tattoo tradition…showing that they are Christians ... Click here for more: Egypt: Families of beheaded Copts finally reunited with remains of loved ones Published May 16, 2018 – After a three-year wait and a number of broken promises, the Egyptian Coptic families of 20 men beheaded by IS in Libya in 2015 have finally received their loved ones’ remains.: Another Church Attack Demonstrates How Religious Freedom is Under Siege in Pakistan Published May 16, 2018 — Washington D.C. (International Christian Concern) – The state of religious freedom in Pakistan remains adverse in spite of provisions written in the Pakistani constitution. Article 20 of Pakistan’s constitution guarantees the freedom to profess religion and to manage religious institutions. Yet, Pakistan was still ranked 10th in the world in 2015 in terms of the greatest social hostilities involving religion…Click here for more: Myanmar: 7,000 Kachin displaced as violence escalates May 15, 2018 — Almost 7,000 people belonging to the largely Christian minority group in Kachin, northern Myanmar, have fled their houses since fighting between the army and a rebel group flared up in early April, according to recent figures from the Red Cross… Click here for more: Special Prayer Request!! •Commit to 30 days of prayer for Muslims during Ramadan. Pray that they will know the only One True God and Jesus Christ. Pray as they hunger that they will know the Bread of Life of Jesus and the Living Water of Jesus Christ as they fast. •Pray for the believers who are persecuted, imprisoned & even killed for their faith. •Pray for the underground church and pastors we support in East Africa. •Pray for our persecuted brothers and sisters who are under attack. That they would know the hope God gives (Ephesians 1:18) and that the Holy Spirit will strengthen them (Ephesians 3:16).
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Pastor Getaneh
Weekly prayer insights from the heart of Pastor Getaneh. It is time to pray, let us pray that your will be done. Have your way! Archives
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