For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you have need again for someone to teach you the elementary principles of the oracles of God, and you have come to need milk and not solid food. 13 For everyone who partakes only of milk is not accustomed to the word of righteousness, for he is an infant. 14 But solid food is for the mature, who because of practice have their senses trained to discern good and evil. - Hebrews 5:12-14
Everybody is called to pray. Please pray for the following! The UNREACHED in Ethiopia, Djibouti, Eritrea, Somalia, Kenya, and South Sudan Pray for the most important leaders of these countries – that the Holy Spirit will take away their spiritual blindness (2 Cor. 4:4). Pray for supernatural/extraordinary manifestations of God through dreams, healing, revelations and visions, etc. among the unreached of these countries (Acts 2:19; 4:30; Heb. 2:4). Pray that the Spirit of God will raise people from these countries to build a strong church among their own people. Pray that God’s Name be glorified and honored wherever the Truth is suppressed or denied. Pray that God’s Kingdom come and rule and His will become effective where it is defied and where it is opposed by His enemies! (Matthew 6:9-10) The CHURCH of the UNREACHED and all over the World It is the task of the church of Jesus Christ to take the Gospel of Salvation to the nations of the World. Pray that the Church of Christ will take the Commission in Matthew 28:18-20 literally. Pray for the church to gain a new vision for mission work. Pray for the Church to persevere despite persecution. Pray for unity among the small groups and against false doctrines that often come and destroy the young congregations. Pray for outpouring of the Holy Spirit on them (Acts 4:31). For the SALVATION of the people from the UNREACHED Pray that whole families will become converted – it makes it easier for the converts to remain standing. Pray that the Holy Spirit will work in their hearts in a divine way and urge them to search for the True God in Jesus Christ. Pray especially for the redemption of individuals who are leaders or who are in positions of authority in all countries. Pray that these people will openly confess their sins and their faith in Christ and that they will also follow Him openly. Breaking News & Latest Headlines For The Week Egypt: Muslim mobs force closure of 8 Coptic churches seeking ‘official’ recognition Published August 29, 2018 -- A Coptic diocese in Upper Egypt last week saw its eighth church closed following attacks by villagers protesting against the church building being legally recognized. Across Egypt, there are thousands of churches informally acknowledged as ‘churches’.…Click here for more: Violent Incidents Embody Pakistan’s Growing Intolerance of Christians Published August 28, 2018 - Washington D.C. (International Christian Concern) – In August, two Christian families became the victims of Pakistan’s ever-growing religious intolerance. In both incidents, the families were subjected to extreme violence due to the low social standing Christians are afforded in Pakistan’s Muslim-dominated society... Click here for more information: Ethiopian Authorities Arrest Ex-Ruler over Human Rights Abuses August 28, 2018 — Ethiopia (All Africa) – Clashes in the Somali region of Ethiopia led to the burning of churches, looting and rape. Police and PM Abiy Ahmed stepped in, calling the chaos shameful, and arresting a former regional president…. Click here for more: Chinese Authorities Force Churches to Replace Crosses with National Flags Published August 26, 2018 Christians in China continue to be harassed by the government sincr churches are being forced again to replace crosses on their buildings with the Chinese flag. Children are also prohibited from attending church with threats of cutting any government financial assistance to low-income families.… Click here for more: Constant al-Shabaab Attacks Cause Medical Facilities Closures Published August 24, 2018 – Due to continued activity by al-Shabaab in Eastern Kenya, many medical facilities have been closed. This has made it hard for women and children to receive the medical care they need. Click here: Church in Kampala Closed Due to Constant Attacks Published August 23, 2018 -- Uganda (Morningstar News) – A church outside Kampala, capital of Uganda, has closed after months of area Muslims pelting its gatherings with rocks, sources said.…Click Special Prayer Request!! • Save the Date! September 18, 2018 “Free the Oppressed” dinner. • Pray for the believers who are persecuted, imprisoned & even killed for their faith. • Pray for the underground church and pastors we support in East Africa. • Pray for our persecuted brothers and sisters who are under attack. That they would know the hope God gives (Ephesians 1:18) and that the Holy Spirit will strengthen them (Ephesians 3:16)
Don’t ever discount how God will use suffering, pain, trials and trubulations in your life as a platform for the gospel to be preached to a lost world. ~ Robby Gallaty, PhD
2 Corinthians 12:7-10 Because of the surpassing greatness of the revelations, for this reason, to keep me from exalting myself, there was given me a thorn in the flesh, a messenger of Satan to torment me—to keep me from exalting myself! 8 Concerning this I implored the Lord three times that it might leave me. 9 And He has said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness.” Most gladly, therefore, I will rather boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me. 10 Therefore I am well content with weaknesses, with insults, with distresses, with persecutions, with difficulties, for Christ’s sake; for when I am weak, then I am strong. Everybody is called to pray. Please pray for the following! The UNREACHED in Ethiopia, Djibouti, Eritrea, Somalia, Kenya, and South Sudan Pray for the most important leaders of these countries – that the Holy Spirit will take away their spiritual blindness (2 Cor. 4:4). Pray for supernatural/extraordinary manifestations of God through dreams, healing, revelations and visions, etc. among the unreached of these countries (Acts 2:19; 4:30; Heb. 2:4). Pray that the Spirit of God will raise people from these countries to build a strong church among their own people. Pray that God’s Name be glorified and honored wherever the Truth is suppressed or denied. Pray that God’s Kingdom come and rule and His will become effective where it is defied and where it is opposed by His enemies! (Matthew 6:9-10) The CHURCH of the UNREACHED and all over the World It is the task of the church of Jesus Christ to take the Gospel of Salvation to the nations of the World. Pray that the Church of Christ will take the Commission in Matthew 28:18-20 literally. Pray for the church to gain a new vision for mission work. Pray for the Church to persevere despite persecution. Pray for unity among the small groups and against false doctrines that often come and destroy the young congregations. Pray for outpouring of the Holy Spirit on them (Acts 4:31) For the SALVATION of the people from the UNREACHED Pray that whole families will become converted – it makes it easier for the converts to remain standing. Pray that the Holy Spirit will work in their hearts in a divine way and urge them to search for the True God in Jesus Christ. Pray especially for the redemption of individuals who are leaders or who are in positions of authority in all countries. Pray that these people will openly confess their sins and their faith in Christ and that they will also follow Him openly. Breaking News & Latest Headlines For The Week Ethiopian PM sends condolences to Orthodox Church after 15 priests killed Published August 21, 2018 - Another five people have been killed in the Barkin Ladi local Government Area of Plateau State, Nigeria. These individuals are believed to have been killed by Fulani Militants. This follows only a month after the slaughter of 230 in that same area by these militants...Click here for more: Coptic boy who saw father killed wants to join police ‘to protect Christians’ August 20, 2018 — A young Christian boy from a small village in Egypt’s Minya region, who saw his father killed by Islamic militants, dreams of becoming a police officer so he can prevent similar attacks. Mina was only ten years old when he and his brother Marco, aged 14, saw their father murdered... Nepali law criminalising ‘hurting of religious feelings’ comes into force Published August 17, 2018 – A law criminalizing religious conversions and the hurting of religious feelings comes into force in Nepal today, a year after the bill was passed. As World Watch Monitor reported last year, Nepal’s Christian minority fears the new law will be abused by those seeking to settle scores – as has happened frequently in neighboring India.… Click here for more: Muslims Beat Group of Christians for Protecting Church Property in Pakistan Published August 17, 2018 – International Christian Concern (ICC) has learned that a group of Muslims beat a group of Christians, including children, for attempting to protect their church property in Kasur, a city near Lahore, Pakistan… Click here for more Mexican pastor survives assassination attempt Published August 16, 2018 — A Mexican pastor who survived an assassination attempt in the notorious border city of Juarez in June says he was targeted because his church’s work is seen to negatively impact upon the efforts of drug cartels. Click here for more: Another Chinese Church Destroyed in String of Demolitions Published August 15, 2018 -- the communist party in china ordered 70 police officers to demolish the Liangwang Catholic Church in China. The demolition of the church was allegedly to make way for the construction of more housing and a railway station. This is yet another of many churches demolished by the Chinese government who claim that the land is needed for urban development…Click here: Special Prayer Request!! • Pray for Wosene and Getenah for renewed physical and spiritual strength! • Pray for the believers who are persecuted, imprisoned & even killed for their faith. • Pray for the underground church and pastors we support in East Africa. • Pray for our persecuted brothers and sisters who are under attack. That they would know the hope God gives (Ephesians 1:18) and that the Holy Spirit will strengthen them (Ephesians 3:16) Ephesians 4:1-2 As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.
1 Peter 3:8 …be like-minded and sympathetic, love as brothers, be tender-hearted and humble. Our life must change so that everybody who meets us will meet Christ in us. Our old life—how we lived before meeting the Lord—was self-centered; our new life is Christ-centered. Is that becoming more evident in you? ~ Charles Stanley Everybody is called to pray. Please pray for the following! The UNREACHED in Ethiopia, Djibouti, Eritrea, Somalia, Kenya, and South Sudan Pray for the most important leaders of these countries – that the Holy Spirit will take away their spiritual blindness (2 Cor. 4:4). Pray for supernatural/extraordinary manifestations of God through dreams, healing, revelations and visions, etc. among the unreached of these countries (Acts 2:19; 4:30; Heb. 2:4). Pray that the Spirit of God will raise people from these countries to build a strong church among their own people. Pray that God’s Name be glorified and honored wherever the Truth is suppressed or denied. Pray that God’s Kingdom come and rule and His will become effective where it is defied and where it is opposed by His enemies! (Matthew 6:9-10) The CHURCH of the UNREACHED and all over the World It is the task of the church of Jesus Christ to take the Gospel of Salvation to the nations of the World. Pray that the Church of Christ will take the Commission in Matthew 28:18-20 literally. Pray for the church to gain a new vision for mission work. Pray for the Church to persevere despite persecution. Pray for unity among the small groups and against false doctrines that often come and destroy the young congregations. Pray for outpouring of the Holy Spirit on them (Acts 4:31). For the SALVATION of the people from the UNREACHED Pray that whole families will become converted – it makes it easier for the converts to remain standing. Pray that the Holy Spirit will work in their hearts in a divine way and urge them to search for the True God in Jesus Christ. Pray especially for the redemption of individuals who are leaders or who are in positions of authority in all countries. Pray that these people will openly confess their sins and their faith in Christ and that they will also follow Him openly. Breaking News & Latest Headlines For The Week Ethiopian PM sends condolences to Orthodox Church after 15 priests killed Published August 14, 2018 – a local source told World Watch Monitor, adding that four of the 15 priests were found burned together. Nine evangelical churches were also vandalized or looted. Although state media reported the deaths of at least 30 people, according to local sources the number could be as high as 50....Click here for more: Father and Son Brutally Attacked by Radicals in India’s Madhya Pradesh August 13, 2018 — (International Christian Concern) Ramesh and his son Rahul were brutally attacked by a mob of 30 Hindu radicals while returning from a prayer meeting in Pipplipara village on July 10. They were both hospitalized due to serious injuries from the attack... Click here for more: Sudan court rules in favour of church in governance dispute Published August 10, 2018 A Sudanese court has surprisingly ruled against the government in a case against the Sudanese Church of Christ (SCOC) after a long-standing dispute over ownership of the church’s property. Five church leaders, including the SCOC president Ayouba Telyan, appeared in court on Wednesday, 8 August, expecting to have to defend the legitimacy of their case but were surprised to find the judge rule in their favor, a local source told World Watch Monitor. Click here: Believers Hopeful for Change Under New Peace Deal Published August 09, 2018 Eritrean believers inside and outside the country are cautiously hopeful a new peace deal between Ethiopia and Eritrea will end decades of animosity and promote greater freedom within Eritrea… Go here for more information: What is behind the Fulani herdsmen-farmers conflict? Published August 09, 2018 — Human rights groups have accused Nigeria’s government and its president, Muhammadu Buhari, of failing to deal with the conflict. An International Crisis Group report has pointed out impunity as one of the root causes of the continuing violence.… Click here for more: Nine-Year-Old Christian Girl Raped and Murdered in India Published August 08, 2018 -- A nine-year-old Christian girl was recently gang-raped and murdered in India’s Punjab state. Local Christians claim anti-Christian sentiment had been growing in the area since a number of families had recently converted to Christianity. Attacks on India’s Christians and their places of worship have increased in both number and intensity in recent years…Click Special Prayer Request!! • Pray for the believers who are persecuted, imprisoned & even killed for their faith. • Pray for the underground church and pastors we support in East Africa. • Pray for our persecuted brothers and sisters who are under attack. That they would know the hope God gives (Ephesians 1:18) and that the Holy Spirit will strengthen them (Ephesians 3:16). Proverbs 6:23 For this commandment is a lamp, this teaching is a light, and the reproofs of discipline are the way to life.
Psalm 19:8 The precepts of the LORD are right, bringing joy to the heart; the commandments of the LORD are radiant, giving light to the eyes. God can use an honest, direct person to convey something we need to hear. Criticism forces us to examine ourselves. God’s goal is that we grow in spiritual maturity and holiness…Instead of allowing criticism to lead us into anger and self-pity, we should let it do its work in our life. We can’t allow hurt or anger to derail what God wants to do in us—namely, make us more Christlike. ~ Charles Stanley Everybody is called to pray. Please pray for the following! The UNREACHED in Ethiopia, Djibouti, Eritrea, Somalia, Kenya, and South Sudan Pray for the most important leaders of these countries – that the Holy Spirit will take away their spiritual blindness (2 Cor. 4:4). Pray for supernatural/extraordinary manifestations of God through dreams, healing, revelations and visions, etc. among the unreached of these countries (Acts 2:19; 4:30; Heb. 2:4). Pray that the Spirit of God will raise people from these countries to build a strong church among their own people. Pray that God’s Name be glorified and honored wherever the Truth is suppressed or denied. Pray that God’s Kingdom come and rule and His will become effective where it is defied and where it is opposed by His enemies! (Matthew 6:9-10) The CHURCH of the UNREACHED and all over the World It is the task of the church of Jesus Christ to take the Gospel of Salvation to the nations of the World. Pray that the Church of Christ will take the Commission in Matthew 28:18-20 literally. Pray for the church to gain a new vision for mission work. Pray for the Church to persevere despite persecution. Pray for unity among the small groups and against false doctrines that often come and destroy the young congregations. Pray for outpouring of the Holy Spirit on them (Acts 4:31). For the SALVATION of the people from the UNREACHED Pray that whole families will become converted – it makes it easier for the converts to remain standing. Pray that the Holy Spirit will work in their hearts in a divine way and urge them to search for the True God in Jesus Christ. Pray especially for the redemption of individuals who are leaders or who are in positions of authority in all countries. Pray that these people will openly confess their sins and their faith in Christ and that they will also follow Him openly. Breaking News & Latest Headlines For The Week Pain of Genocide Defines Nineveh Plains Published August 07, 2018 -Washington D.C. (International Christian Concern) – The evil of attempting to annihilate an entire people group because of who they are generates long-lasting consequences. For Iraq’s Christians, the horrific pain of genocide has repeated time and time again. Over 80 years ago, the term “genocide” was coined because of the mass slaughter of Iraq’s Christians...Click here for more: We’ll close one church every week, Indian Christians told August 06, 2018 — Christian villagers in a rural district of India’s Maharashtra state have been told that one church will be closed down every week because they have been “destroying” local tradition and culture by “luring” others to convert to Christianity. Click here for more: Uganda Bishop Asks Christians to Pray for Peace in South Sudan Published August 06, 2018 The political conflict in Sudan has affected and taken away the lives of many innocent victims. Both political parties have participated in the abuses of human rights including attacks on civilians, unjustified beatings and tortures, gang rape, enforced disappearances, etc… Rev. Sabino from Uganda is asking Christians to pray for South Sudan and the safety of the innocent.…Click here: Chinese Authorities Set to Bulldoze Another Church in Jinan Published August 03, 2018 fter demolishing Shilihe Church and Liangwang Catholic Church, authorities in China’s Jinan province are set to reduce Wangcun Catholic Church to rubble as well. These churches are all state-sanctioned churches with official registration. The recent crackdown on various Catholic and Protestant communities in China has resulted in toppled churches and repetitive harassment on Christians. Go here: Religious minorities fear backlash as Sunni Islam declared state religion of Comoros Published August 03, 2018 — “In mosques and madrassas Muslim religious leaders teach anti-Christian sentiments and government officials obligate parents to send their children to madrassas,” says Open Doors. They also prohibit Christians from preaching or engaging in religious discussion in public, according to the charity.… Click here for more information: Buhari does not stop Fulani because they are his ‘kith and kin’ – Christian Association of Nigeria Published August 02, 2018 -- CAN says it is “disturbed” that the killings are ongoing despite its repeated calls for toughened security measures. “The president must act fast to prevent it,” CAN says.…Click here: Special Prayer Request!! • Pray for the believers who are persecuted, imprisoned & even killed for their faith. • Pray for the underground church and pastors we support in East Africa. • Pray for our persecuted brothers and sisters who are under attack. That they would know the hope God gives (Ephesians 1:18) and that the Holy Spirit will strengthen them (Ephesians 3:16). Grace means undeserved kindness. It is the gift of God to man the moment he sees he is unworthy of God’s favor. ~ D.L. Moody
1 John 1:16 Out of his fullness we have all received grace in place of grace already given. 2 Corinthians 12:9 But He said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weakness, so that Christ's power may rest on me. Everybody is called to pray. Please pray for the following! The UNREACHED in Ethiopia, Djibouti, Eritrea, Somalia, Kenya, and South Sudan Pray for the most important leaders of these countries – that the Holy Spirit will take away their spiritual blindness (2 Cor. 4:4). Pray for supernatural/extraordinary manifestations of God through dreams, healing, revelations and visions, etc. among the unreached of these countries (Acts 2:19; 4:30; Heb. 2:4). Pray that the Spirit of God will raise people from these countries to build a strong church among their own people. Pray that God’s Name be glorified and honored wherever the Truth is suppressed or denied. Pray that God’s Kingdom come and rule and His will become effective where it is defied and where it is opposed by His enemies! (Matthew 6:9-10) The CHURCH of the UNREACHED and all over the World It is the task of the church of Jesus Christ to take the Gospel of Salvation to the nations of the World. Pray that the Church of Christ will take the Commission in Matthew 28:18-20 literally. Pray for the church to gain a new vision for mission work. Pray for the Church to persevere despite persecution. Pray for unity among the small groups and against false doctrines that often come and destroy the young congregations. Pray for outpouring of the Holy Spirit on them (Acts 4:31). For the SALVATION of the people from the UNREACHED Pray that whole families will become converted – it makes it easier for the converts to remain standing. Pray that the Holy Spirit will work in their hearts in a divine way and urge them to search for the True God in Jesus Christ. Pray especially for the redemption of individuals who are leaders or who are in positions of authority in all countries. Pray that these people will openly confess their sins and their faith in Christ and that they will also follow Him openly. Breaking News & Latest Headlines For The Week UNHCR Condemns Algeria’s Harassment of Christians Published August 01, 2018 – The UN Human Rights Committee has urged the Algerian government to stop harassing its Christian minority, after several churches and other religious institutions were closed down in recent months. Since November 2017, six churches have been forcibly closed in the Maghreb country ….Click here for more: Mysterious Death of Bishop Sparks New Concerns Among Egypt’s Christians July 31, 2018 — International Christian Concern (ICC) has learned that the bishop of Anba Makar Monastery, Anba Epiphanius, was found dead, lying in a pool of blood, on the morning of July 29. Go here: Surge of Attacks on Christians Documented in India’s Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh States Published July 27, 2018 — International Christian Concern (ICC) has documented multiple instances of anti-Christian violence in India’s Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh States in the past four weeks. These reports from Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh come on the heels of 15 other anti-Christian incidents documented by ICC in the first two weeks of July.…Click here: More than 8,000 Rwandan churches closed following government directive Published July 27, 2018 The Rwanda Governance Board continues to close churches it says fail to meet requirements laid down at the beginning of the year. New requirements set in place for those congregations that want to continue ministry are also complicating efforts to comply. Many see the closures as part of an effort by the government to make its aggressive secular stance clear.…Click here for more: Eritrean Government Releases 35 Christian Prisoners of Conscience Published July 26, 2018 — International Christian Concern (ICC) has learned that the Eritrean government has released 35 Christian prisoners. According to ICC’s inside source, Simon*, the 35 were released in the middle of last week….from Mai-Sirwa Prison… Click here for more information USCIRF Report: Christians in North Korea Tortured and Killed Published July 26, 2018 —In 2018 report of the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF), North Korea is listed as one of the most “hostile and repressive” regimes in the world against religious communities, especially religions linked to the Western World. North Koreans are often arrested, tortured, imprisoned, or even executed for their faith…Click here: Special Prayer Request!! • Pray for the believers who are persecuted, imprisoned & even killed for their faith. • Pray for the underground church and pastors we support in East Africa. • Pray for our persecuted brothers and sisters who are under attack. That they would know the hope God gives (Ephesians 1:18) and that the Holy Spirit will strengthen them (Ephesians 3:16) |
Pastor Getaneh
Weekly prayer insights from the heart of Pastor Getaneh. It is time to pray, let us pray that your will be done. Have your way! Archives
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