John 14:15 Jesus said, “If you love me, you will obey what I command.”
John 14:21 Anyone who has my commands and obeys them loves me. My Father will love the one who loves me. I too will love them. And I will show myself to them. Obedience is the outward expression of your love of God.~ Henry Blackaby John 14:24 Anyone who does not love me will not obey my teaching. The words you hear me say are not my own. They belong to the Father who sent me. If you love Him, you will obey Him! ~Henry Blackaby 1 John 5:3 In fact, here is what it means to love God. We love him by obeying his commands. And his commands are not hard to obey. You cannot believe Him if you do not love Him. You cannot love Him unless you know Him. ~Henry Blackaby Everybody is called to pray. Please pray for the following! The UNREACHED in Ethiopia, Djibouti, Eritrea, Somalia, Kenya, and South Sudan Pray for the most important leaders of these countries – that the Holy Spirit will take away their spiritual blindness (2 Cor. 4:4). Pray for supernatural/extraordinary manifestations of God through dreams, healing, revelations and visions, etc. among the unreached of these countries (Acts 2:19; 4:30; Heb. 2:4). Pray that the Spirit of God will raise people from these countries to build a strong church among their own people. Pray that God’s Name be glorified and honored wherever the Truth is suppressed or denied. Pray that God’s Kingdom come and rule and His will become effective where it is defied and where it is opposed by His enemies! (Matthew 6:9-10) The CHURCH of the UNREACHED and all over the World It is the task of the church of Jesus Christ to take the Gospel of Salvation to the nations of the World. Pray that the Church of Christ will take the Commission in Matthew 28:18-20 literally. Pray for the church to gain a new vision for mission work. Pray for the Church to persevere despite persecution. Pray for unity among the small groups and against false doctrines that often come and destroy the young congregations. Pray for outpouring of the Holy Spirit on them (Acts 4:31). For the SALVATION of the people from the UNREACHED Pray that whole families will become converted – it makes it easier for the converts to remain standing. Pray that the Holy Spirit will work in their hearts in a divine way and urge them to search for the True God in Jesus Christ. Pray especially for the redemption of individuals who are leaders or who are in positions of authority in these countries. Pray that these people will openly confess their sins and their faith in Christ and that they will also follow Him openly. If my people who are called by name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. – II Chronicles 7:14 Breaking News & Latest Headlines For The Week Attacks on Christians in India’s Tamil Nadu State Continue to Rise March 06, 2018 — India (World Watch Monitor) – After a year in which hate crimes against Indian Christians happened at a rate of almost one verified incident per day, the state which registered the most incidents in 2017 (over 50) – Tamil Nadu – continues to see outbreaks of violence... Click Defeated Islamic Militants Plan to Strike Southern Philippines Again March 05, 2018 — (Christian News Network) – Philippines (Channel News Asia) – At least 300 militants from a pro-Islamic State alliance that last year held a southern Philippine city for five months have regrouped and are planning similar attacks elsewhere, the army said on Monday... Click here: Christians Killed on Identity in Egypt, According to Report March 05, 2018 — Egypt (Watani) – That New Year Eve will forever remain etched in my mind... It was the telephone ringing, and the alarm clock on my night table pointed at around 2am. I reached for the telephone receiver only to hear at the other end the distressed voice of our young reporter Nader Shukry telling me that some explosion had occurred at a church in Alexandria as the congregation was leaving after New Year midnight service… Cross Removed from a State-Sanctioned Church at Jiangxi Province March 02, 2018 — China (China Aid) – On Feb. 22, a demolition crew tore the cross off the top of an official church in China’s inland Jiangxi province, despite the protests of more than 20 church members attempting to block their path.... Click here: ISIS Calls on Fighters to Kidnap Christian Tourists in Egypt March 01, 2018 — Egypt (The Express) – Islamic State is urging fanatics to target popular holiday hotspots in Egypt and deliberately target Christian tourists. They also called on fighters to kidnap foreign tourists to embarrass the Egyptian government and damage the tourism industry. ISIS made the call in an online weekly publication – Al-Nada – urging operatives to intensify their attacks on Christians across the country. Christians Killed In Nigeria; More Than 100 Schoolgirls Missing February 28, 2018 – BUJA, NIGERIA (BosNewsLife)-- Christians in several parts of Nigeria are mourning or searching for loved ones after new kidnappings, and raids on villages by Islamic militants killed at least some 170 people, including Christian Nigerians… In one of the latest attacks, the Boko Haram group raided a boarding school for girls in northeastern Nigeria…Click here for more: Special Prayer Request!! • Pray for the believers who are persecuted, imprisoned & even killed for their faith. • Pray for the underground church and pastors we support in East Africa. • Pray for Getaneh and Wosene while traveling mission trip to East Africa. • Pray for our persecuted brothers and sisters who are under attack. That they would know the hope God gives (Ephesians 1:18) and that the Holy Spirit will strengthen them (Ephesians 3:16).
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Pastor Getaneh
Weekly prayer insights from the heart of Pastor Getaneh. It is time to pray, let us pray that your will be done. Have your way! Archives
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